Be careful what you wish for, it just might happen. These behind-the-scenes meetings seem intriguing for loads of reasons, not the least of which include the intrigue and mystery that surrounds them. What do they talk about? Is there a secret plan for a merger, an acquisition? Are they talking about me, or you or the next big hire that will end up managing you? The answer is likely yes. As one dialed in politician said:
If you arent at the table youre on the menu. (attributed to both Ann Richards and Elizabeth Warren)
Employees professional fates are being decided behind those closed doors. Who will be hired, fired, or promoted? Who can execute, bring energy, energize others, and has an edge? Are you a good fit for the organization, mesh with their values, aspirations, and ways of being? It is important for you to ask these questions of yourself, to be proactive, to add value to the organization.