
Business Development Best Practices

Every month the Business Development Committee reaches out to small business owners, marketing directors, and public relations specialists to gather valuable insight into the rapidly growing construction industry.

If you're looking to create marketing proposals, build relationships with customers, and increase sales, our Best Practices article series can help.


  • August 2015
    Cynthia Paul, FMI Corporation

    Have you ever noticed that some people and companies just seem to stand out, and everywhere you turn, they are being quoted or interviewed or are consistently receiving better scores on proposals? They are not much different than others; but, like the old E.F. Hutton advertisement asserts, when they speak, people listen. So, what is the difference?

    Business Development, Communication & Collaboration, Writing & Graphic Design
  • July 2015
    Chuck Fenske, Knoch Corporation

    In order to execute a successful business development program, it is important to define what business development truly means and what steps are required to make it so. At its core, business development is the strategic manufacturing of revenue growth opportunities. While some use the term as a synonym for sales and others include mergers and acquisitions, business development actually involves a broader scope including corporate strategy, marketing, sales, and human resources. Each of these are prevalent throughout the following steps, which outline a successful business development process. 

    Business Development, Communication & Collaboration, Marketing & Branding
  • June 2015
    George Calys, Acumen

    Congratulations. You made the shortlist. Now comes the interview. While it's not rocket science, it is work to pull off a great presentation. Here are 10 essential things to consider before every presentation. 

    Client Interview & Presentation, Client Relationship, Communication & Collaboration
  • May 2015
    Mel Lester, The Business Edge

    When I first started writing proposals back in the mid-1980s, adding a few graphics was a fairly radical concept. There seemed to be a widespread expectation that technical service proposals must be staid and boring – nothing but the facts, ma'am. Now, attractive layouts, color, and ample graphics are common features in our proposals. But the proposals I've reviewed in recent years still lack effective design for the most part. While they are generally appealing to look at, they fail to meet the most important document design criterion – function. Effective design goes beyond pretty; it facilitates better communication. Let me suggest a few design tips that will distinguish your proposals, not just in terms of their visual impact, but also in their ability to clearly convey your message(s) to your prospects. 

    Proposals, Writing & Graphic Design
  • April 2015
    Charles H. Green

    Have you ever had a difficult client? I don't mean the client from hell, I just mean garden-variety difficult. Difficult clients come in lots of different flavors. Fortunately, there is a common thread to all of these cases, which--if we understand it-- can help us succeed. The common thread has nothing to do with the clients. The common thread is us.

    Client Relationship, Communication & Collaboration